Ucraina,missile su Zaporizhzhia,vittime

epa10153163 A picture taken during a visit organised by the Russian military shows remains of a missile on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Enerhodar, southeastern Ukraine, 01 September 2022. During several hours of work at the Zaporizhzhia  NPP, the IAEA mission received key information about the situation at the nuclear power plant with explanations from the personnel, said Rafael Grossi, head of the IAEA delegation. Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Enerhodar is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe with six power units. The first was put into operation in December 1984, the sixth in October 1995. According to the authorities, recently only the fifth and sixth power units have been operating at 60 percent and 80 percent, respectively, including ongoing supplies to Ukraine. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV

Un missile russo ha colpito un edificio residenziale a Zaporizhzhia,in Ucraina, secondo quanto riferito su Telegram dal sindaco ad interim Anatoliy Kurtiev e riportato da Ukrinform, uccidendo almeno una persona e ferendone sette.

“Sul luogo del raid sono al lavoro i servizi di emergenza sanitaria. Ieri, a seguito dei bombardamenti russi su Zaporizhia,le infrastrutture civili della città sono state danneggiate e sono state segnalate altre vittime”, scrive Ukrinform.