Cooperation: a three-year programming document signed


Rome – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano, attended the meeting of the Inter-ministerial Development Cooperation Committee (CICS), which was held today at Palazzo Chigi. During the meeting, which was chaired by the Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, a three-year programming and policy direction document was signed for the 2017-2019 period. It is the main strategic point of reference of Italy’s Cooperation system.
The Committee also approved the Report on the implementation of cooperation policies of 2016 and the Guidelines for cooperation projects in the field of “Energy and Development”.”During my recent mission to Niger, Senegal and Guinea Conakry- Minister Alfano said – I was able to personally feel the appreciation and gratitude that, at all levels, are expressed to Italy for the many projects developed by our Cooperation system, which is a key pillar of the action conducted by the government, and a means to enhance the way Italy is perceived abroad.”
“In 2016 the Official Development Assistance (ODA) totalled 4.5 billion euros, accounting for 0.27% of the Gross National Income, with a substantial increase compared to 2015. The three-year programming and policy direction document, which we approved today, shows our determination to further strengthen our commitment in this field, as well as provide the Italian Cooperation system with shared strategic policies, that meet the highest international standards,” minister Alfano said.

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