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Ferrari: Charles Leclerc è positivo al Covid


AGI – “Charles Leclerc positivo al Covid-19”. Lo ha reso noto la Ferrari su Twitter spiegando che il pilota “in accordo con i protocolli richiesti dalla Fia e dal team, è stato testato al suo ritorno da Abu Dhabi. Attualmente si sente bene, con sintomi lievi e si autoisolerà a casa”. 

Scuderia Ferrari Mission Winnow driver @Charles_Leclerc has tested positive for COVID-19.
In accordance with protocols required by FIA and the team, Charles was tested on his return from Abu Dhabi.
He is currently feeling fine, with mild symptoms and will self-isolate at home.

— Scuderia Ferrari (@ScuderiaFerrari)
December 16, 2021

Source: agi


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